# Marketing email writing Guidlines

  1. Always Use Opt-In Forms: Use opt-in forms to collect email addresses from people who have expressed an interest in your emails. Doing so will help you avoid being flagged as a spammer by ISPs and email service providers.

  2. Provide an Unsubscribe Link: Include a clearly visible, easily accessible unsubscribe link in every email. You should also honor any unsubscribe requests quickly.

  3. Use a Clear “From” Name: Make sure the “from” name in your email is recognizable, so your readers can easily recognize who sent the email.

  4. Avoid Images and Flashy Graphics: Use minimal images in your emails, and avoid using flashy graphics or animation. This will improve the loading speed of your emails, and make them less likely to be flagged as potential spam.

  5. Personalize Your Email Content: Personalize your email content as much as possible, using the reader’s first name and other information you may have collected from them.

  6. Monitor Your Email Reputation: Monitor your email reputation to make sure you’re not being flagged as a spammer. You can use tools like SenderScore to track your reputation.

  7. Include Plain Text Versions: Include a plain text version of your email in addition to the HTML version. This will help ensure your emails are readable on all devices.

  8. Be Careful With Your Subject Lines: Be careful when crafting your subject lines, as they can be a major factor in whether or not your emails are flagged as spam. Keep your subject lines concise and relevant.

  9. Check Your Links: Make sure all of your links are working properly before sending an email. Broken links can easily trigger spam filters.

  10. Stick to Your Email Frequency: Stick to your email frequency, and don’t send too many emails in a short period of time. This will help you maintain a good reputation with email service providers.