# Google Sheet

This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the Google Sheets source connector.

# Checkout the How to video for connecting Google Sheet with Google Service Account

# To Connect with Google Sheet

  1. Enable the Google Cloud Platform APIs for your personal or organization account.
  2. Please Enable Google Sheet Api from your Google cloud console.

These two steps are mandatory.You have to perform that. After that, you can connect Google sheet in the datasource.

Kursaha Server supports the following options by which you can access google sheet.

  • Google Service Account (Recomended)
  • Google OAuth Credentials.

# Connect With Google Service Account (Recomended)

Name Description
Source Name Pick a name to help you identify this source.
Service Account Key Authentication To authenticate your Google account via Service Account Key Authentication, enter your Google Cloud service account key in JSON format. Make sure that the Service Account has access to your spreadsheet.
Row Batch Size Number of rows fetched when making a Google Sheet API call. Defaults to 200.
Spreadsheet Link Enter the link to the Google spreadsheet you want to sync. Example value

# Connect With Google OAuth Credentials

Name Description
Source Name Pick a name to help you identify this source.
Oauth Credentials (client ID, client secret, refresh token) To authenticate your Google account via OAuth, enter your Google application's client ID, client secret, and refresh token.
Row Batch Size Number of rows fetched when making a Google Sheet API call. Defaults to 200.
Spreadsheet Link Enter the link to the Google spreadsheet you want to sync. Example value

# How To Connect Google Sheet with Google Service Account

# Follow steps to connect Google Sheets with Google Service Account

  • Goto Google Cloud API console.
  • Enable Google Sheet API.
  • Create a new Service Account and also create a new Key for that account.
  • Download the Json Credentials and copy the "client_email" field.
  • Next, Open the google sheet and click on share button.
  • Paste the client_email which you have copied earlier.
  • Grant permission to Viewer.
  • Share that sheet.