# Template

# How to Create a Mail or Message Template

This document provides instructions on how to create a template for emails or messages. Before creating a template, make sure that you have a valid datasource and query.

# Creating a Template

To create a template, follow these steps:

  1. Give the template a name.
  2. Choose the type of template you want to create, such as mail or message.

# Placeholder Format

When writing a template, it is important to use proper placeholders. The format for placeholders should be as follows: [(${value})]. Here, value is the query mapping name that you have given to build the query.

# Mail Template

We use Thymeleaf for mail templating. When creating a mail template, you need to:

  1. Choose the type of template you want to create, such as text or HTML.
  2. Write your template, and include placeholders where you want dynamic content to appear.

# Sample with Default Value

Consider the following sample template:

Dear [(${name != null ? name : 'Valuable Customer'})],
Please find attached the results of the report you requested.

Kursaha Tech.

In this template, we have used the name placeholder, and given it a default value of Valuable Customer. When you provide the JSON data {'name': 'Josh'}, the output will be:

Dear Josh,
Please find attached the results of the report you requested.

Kursaha Tech.

By using proper placeholders, you can create dynamic templates that can be filled with data for multiple users.

# Sample with Array Value

Suppose we have an array of names in our JSON data, like this:

    "names": ["John", "Jane", "Joe"]

We can use this array in our template like so:

Dear [(${name})],

Here are the names you requested:
    <li th:each="name : ${names}">
        <span th:text="${name}"></span>

Kursaha Tech.

JSON Data: {"name": "Josh", "names": ["John", "Jane", "Joe"]}


Dear Josh,

Here are the names you requested:

Kursaha Tech.

In the above example, we use Thymeleaf's th:each attribute to iterate over the names array and create an HTML list of names. We also include a placeholder for the name of the person we are addressing the email to [(${name})]. This placeholder will be replaced with the value of the name property in the JSON data.

# Text To Speech Template

Creating a Text-to-Speech Template:

  1. Navigate to Templates -> Create New Template -> Text To Speech.

  2. During template creation, ensure you:

    • Provide a meaningful name.
    • Input the text message for audio conversion, supporting dynamic placeholders for personalized content and accommodating multiple messages in different languages.
    • Choose a wrapper ID, currently only supported in WhatsApp. For calls with this message, no wrapper ID selection is necessary; direct calling through the channel is available.

Text to Speech Template

# Text To Video Template

Creating a Text-to-Video Template:

  1. Navigate to Templates -> Create New Template -> Text To Video.

  2. During template creation, ensure you:

    • Provide a meaningful name.
    • Input the text message for video conversion, supporting dynamic placeholders for personalized content and accommodating multiple messages in different languages.
    • Choose a wrapper ID, currently only supported in WhatsApp. A wrapper ID selection is necessary by which you can send video to Whatsapp.

Text to Video Template