Mail Api
Before proceeding with further illustration, it is mandatory to have an API Key for using the SDK. If you don't have a Mailkeets API Key, please refer to this page for instructions on how to generate one.
Methods in the SDK
Send mail
With this method, You can send email to your recipient. There are some mandatory fields you have to provide.
- to : The recipient's email address.
- fromName : The name of the person or organization.
- fromAddress : The email address from which your message will be sent.
- subject : A brief description or summary of the content of the email.
- body : The main content of your email. requestIdentifier : A unique UUID that you can use to track your email later. You have to provide this field.
- unsubscribedList : A list of email addresses or contacts that have requested to be removed from a particular email marketing or mailing list. When someone unsubscribes from a mailing list, it means that they no longer wish to receive emails from the sender or organization, and they have opted out of future communications.
💡 Know More about One-Click Functionality for Unsubscribe
Please refer RFC-8058 to know more about how single click unsbuscribe functionality.
Header value for List-Unsubscribe
looks like this in the raw email
class Demo {
private KursahaClient kursahaClient;
private MailRequestDto requestDto;
// Create a random UUID
private final String requestIdentifier = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String apiKey = "<replace-me-with-api-key>";
// Create an object of KursahaClient
kursahaClient = new KursahaClient(apiKey);
* Create a MailRequestDto object
* If you don't want to send unsubscribedList, you can add empty string.
requestDto = new MailRequestDto(
"John", // fromName
"john@doe.com", // fromAddress
"hello@test.com", // to
"This is test subject", // subject
"This is test body", // body
requestIdentifier, // requestIdentifier
"<mailto:unsubscribe@example.com>, <http://www.unsubscribe.example.com/>" // unsubscribedList
MailResponseDto responseDto = kursahaClient.mk.sendMail(requestDto);
System.out.println("got trace Id as: ", responseDto.getTraceId());
dto := mailkeets.MailRequestDto{
FromName: "Bob",
FromAddress: "bob@joe.com",
To: "receiver@gmail.com",
Subject: "Hello from golang",
ContentType: "text/plain",
Body: "This is go lang sample",
RequestIdentifier: uuid.New().String(),
UnsubscribedList: "",
err := client.Mk.SendEmail(dto)
if err != nil {
} else {
print("successfully send mail!")
curl --location 'https://mailkeets.kursaha.com/api/mail-send' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <replace-with-api-key>' \
--data-raw '{
"fromName": "John",
"fromAddress": "john@doe.com",
"to": "hello@test.com",
"subject": "This is test subject",
"body": "This is test subject",
"requestIdentifier": "800367b7-3b3a-423c-8006-eb63cc34c13c",
"unsubscribedList": "<mailto:unsubscribe@example.com>, <http://www.unsubscribe.example.com/>"
Get all verified domains:
This method returns all verified domains saved in your account.
Demo Code Snippet
class Demo {
private KursahaClient kursahaClient;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String apiKey = "<Demo-Api-key>";
// Create an object of KursahaClient
kursahaClient = new KursahaClient(apiKey);
curl --location 'https://mailkeets.kursaha.com/api/sender-identities/verified-domains' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <replace-with-api-key>'